Here's where all the latest high-end tech is taking us: to the couch.

Kia e-range



Have you ever noticed how the more technology advances, the less we’re required to physically move?

Think about it. In today’s highly connected world, whether it’s an extra spicy burrito, a brand-new fridge freezer, or a pair of glittery customised trainers, one can get pretty much anything delivered to their front door without even having to leave the couch. Or bed.

As convenient as all this may be, let’s not forget that when we move, we seize an opportunity to bump into the unknown. To witness life-enriching experiences that not even the best extra spicy burrito on Earth could possibly offer.

And this is where the Kia electrified range steps in – a family of cars full of technology that has been designed to get us out there, discovering new experiences around every corner. AKA: technology that keeps us moving.

Kia’s Online Navigation, for example, avoids traffic jams with live updates, while the EV6’s fast-charging feature guarantees less games of rock, paper, scissors at charging stations.

To bring the story to life, we headed to lovely Ljubljana with Tony Petersen Film, Dante Ariola, Kasper Tuxen and Bernd Wondollek to shoot some breath-taking imagery which, quite literally, juxtaposes technology that keeps us still, against technology that moves us: the Kia electrified range.

And to top it all off, Irish musician Hozier graced those aforementioned visuals with his song aptly named, “Movement”.

“Extraordinary advertising. Current. Well done.” – Nice Italian lady from YouTube comments

“Kia’s Electric Range Brings Movement to a Technologically Still World.” – LBB online
“Kia and Innocean ask the right question.” – WUV

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